爱尔兰事务所Neil Mathews坐访建筑
2017-03-06 00:00:00
以学术的眼光聚焦乡村文化,依托楼纳国际建筑师公社平台进行研究与实践,为中国乡村 ...
The rotation of an existing floor plan. As the re-scaling of a courtyard farm. As a transformation of the large spaces of farm buildings into small spaces for living. And as a reconsideration of context by remaking the context just so differently. The reconversion of a courtyard farm into a single-family home. Not as a new housing typology, but as a rethinking of the existing farm typology – the typology of the farm as a spaces for living.
▼外表农场建筑的居住空间,living space appear as a farmstead
The courtyard farm creates a strange angle. The arrangement of the various buildings that make up the farmstead was not completely square. And not quite right in orientation. The exact alignment and precise hooking of the position of the various buildings is projected back onto the existing arrangement. In an initial consideration, a strange drawing. In a second look, a particular outcome.
2017 05-04
蔓藤城市 ——城市规划与设计学术研讨会
旨在通过学术会议汇聚全国行业内专家,聆听各方意见与经验,共同探讨“蔓藤城市”理论的 ...
2017 05-03
这座历时一年由电子厂房改造而来的现代化的绿色办公大楼,通过被动式节能设计和主动式调节相结合 ...
2016 08-12
考核注册建筑师的标准就是要设定他/ 她取得执照后可以独立行业 ...
2016 07-12
信步辑-老外建筑师在中国:奥地利年轻建筑师Chris Precht